Thursday, 14 June 2007

How Did I Become Known As The Man Of Leisure

About seven years ago, i worked in a local running store - read not a chain. Being the new guy and plenty of quiet moments, the owners liked to nickname the staff. They toyed with my name, my habits, my looks and eventually my initials - RV or recreational vehicle. Whadda do with a RV, travel and be leisurely; hence forth i became man of leisure or MOL for short. After a stint in Japan, IML or international man of leisure stuck for a bit. But it always reverted to man of leisure and really it's not a bad nickname. Lately I've been using saskrv (a reference to Saskatchewan and my initials) for posting to forums, creating email accounts, etc. But really, when it came time to venture into the blogging world only one title came to mind - man of leisure and what better way to foreshadow what I'll write about than to use shenanigans as i plan to get into things, create havoc (only for purposes of good), travel and otherwise get into as many shenanigans as possible and post about it here.